Kurland Polo Fields

Kurland Polo

Kurland Polo Fields

The drainage system at Kurland has given the Polo players, and the trainers of the polo horses a surface that:

  • Drains sufficiently quickly, one hour after 25mm of rain, that they can either play polo or train the horses safely.
  • Going under foot is firm and fewer and less severe injuries are caused to the horses.
  • The going is constant all over the field. The Shelton system is such that the intensity of the drainage can be increased where the permeability of the soil demands it. In this way wet patches can be catered for.
  • The playing surfaces of all the polo fields at Kurland will be similar, and moving play from one field to the other will not present problems.
  • Grass growth and grass vigor will be consistent on all the fields due to the uniform conditions created by the installation of the Shelton Drainage System.